International exchange

Na ovoj stranici koristimo kolačiće kako bi korisnici mogli pristupati svojim korisničkim računima te za potrebe analize pristupa fakultetskim stranicama. Nastavljanjem korištenja ove stranice pristajete na kolačiće.

International Exchange

International exchange

University of Zagreb
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (UNIZAG FSB)

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FSB/FAMENA) is the oldest and the largest faculty in the field of mechanical engineering in Croatia with almost century-old tradition. It is the successor to the Royal Technical College founded in 1919. FSB has been one of the Croatian leading institutions in education, science and expertise in the fields of mechanical engineering and naval architecture, and for the last two decades in the field of aeronautical engineering too.

The study programmes and contents of courses make the curriculum of the Faculty comparable with the curricula of similar faculties of leading European universities, thus enabling the Faculty to be ranked highly among the leading technical faculties of the University of Zagreb and in Croatia.

In addition to theoretical knowledge, taught by highly qualified teachers from 14 departments and 41 chairs, practical knowledge is an important component of the education at the Faculty and it can be acquired both in 51 laboratories and through intensive collaboration with industry.

The staff, who collaborate with numerous academic institutions in Croatia and abroad and with the industry, have undoubtedly contributed to a high standing the Faculty has in the international academic community and in the industry. With the aim of maintaining this good reputation and of achieving the best possible results in teaching, research and professional activities the Faculty has adopted its Development Strategy 2014-2025 . The teaching, research and professional activities include our recent achievements in the:

engineering design naval architecture aeronautical engineering
energy engineering thermal and process engineering IC engines and motor vehicles
manufacturing technologies industrial engineering materials engineering
computer engineering and
mechatronics and robotic medical engineering
quality assurance and
nanotechnologies military engineering

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
and Naval Architecture
Ivana Lučića 5
10002 Zagreb, p.p. 102
MB 3276546
OIB 22910368449
PIC 996827485
IBAN HR4723600001101346933
tel: +385 1 6168 222
fax: +385 1 6156 940
University of Zagreb
Ministry of Science and Education